The best way to get cards,if your just starting out or building decks is to buy in bulk but if your looking to get your hands on more uncommon and rare cards your best bet is booster packs.Each booster pack comes with 15 cards opposed to Pokemon which is only 10 per pack.To tell which deck its from you look for color of the card and the symbols,there are colored decks,such as white,black,red etc and each card has a symbol to the far right under the photo,and sometimes within the symbol it will have a number 15,6,10 etc,that’s related to the deck it was printed in.Also to tell rarity of the card,your going to look at the same location,on the symbol it will be a color,black means its a common card,these are easy to find,your more likely to get duplicates and from a price standpoint usually aren’t worth much.If there is a silver symbol,its a uncommon card,which is a little harder to get and worth a little more than the common cards,a gold symbol color means the card is a rare and a red color within the symbol means the card is a mythic rare,which are typically worth a good amount and are pretty hard to get.Besides these there are those rarities on all the holo/foil cards as well,so a holo/foil mythic rare would be worth the most and a holo/foil with a black color (common) would be worth the least.If you do not see a symbol,this means the card is old and it was printed before they started marking them.With that being said I want to move on to the 150 cards I received from golden ground hog,if your looking to just collect,or your a new collector,or trying to build several decks then this set is going to be great for you,if your a serious collector,not so much and if you want to start playing magic,you will have to purchase additional cards because this set does not come with lands,which you need to play magic.But their price is amazing.
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